Thursday, February 20, 2025


Goodnews Bible Church

Friday 10th July 2020.
GoodNews Bible Church
Apostle George Amandi

SCRIPTURE: …for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. Revelation 19:10b

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Anything you see God do in the life of someone has become your prophecy.
Previously, we saw that following the footsteps of the blessed will usher us into the realm of the blessing. You know, nothing communicates principles like example.

Today, we are going to see how following the examples and testimonies of the blessed can lead us into the realm of the blessing.
The example of the blessed imparts faith into the life of the saint regarding the faithfulness of God to His people. And faith is the currency with which we can possess our inheritance.

When you look at the life of someone like Ruth who was hopeless and futureless but later became a woman who could never be forgotten in the genealogy of Jesus Christ (Matt. 1:5); someone like Joseph who was a slave (Gen.42:6); or Esther who was an orphan (Esther 2:17), etc, and how God turned their lives around, a new dimension of faith is ignited in you. You can easily know what to do and get their results by following their principles.
Beloved, anything you see God do in the life of someone has become your prophecy; to guarantee your testimony as well (Revelation 19:10). That was the experience of Mary in Luke 1:34-37; one testimony settled her case. If God has ever done it anywhere, it is a confirmation that He will do it with (for) you.

1. Think about what God has done in the life of someone who had your kind of expectation and give thanks to God.
2. Make demands on God for a replication of what He did for the person.
3. Draw out action steps from every testimony of God’s act and embark on them.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You for the amazing testimonies of Your wonders. Visit me and let Your blessing rest on me, Lord, in Jesus Name.

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