Sunday, March 30, 2025


Goodnews Bible Church

Sunday 19 July 2020
GoodNews Bible Church
Apostle George Amandi

SCRIPTURE: And the ark of the Lord continued in the house of Obed-edom the Gittite three months: and the Lord blessed Obed-edom, and all his household. 2 Samuel 6:11

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: It is not possible to accommodate God and His people and remain in the curse.
There is an unspeakable dimension of blessing in playing host to or accommodating the Presence of God. It is has been scripturally confirmed that making one’s house the House of God’s Presence is a trigger for the blessing of God. That was the experience of Obed-edom in 2 Samuel 6:11-13. It is not possible to accommodate God and His people and remain in the curse.

Beloved, when you make your house available for the Home Church, you have extended the fire altar of the main Church to your house and no witch can survive that Fire because God cannot co-exist with demons.Secondly, the bible says that our bodies are the temple of God. When God is allowed to dwell 100 percent in you, your body will become too hot for the devil or sickness to dwell in. Your body can not accommodate God and the devil at the same time. Who controls your body determines what happens in your body.
Remember this: It is not possible to accommodate God and His people and remain in the curse.


1. Join any GoodNews Home Church near your residence today.
2. Ensure the totality of your been is surrendered to God as you become his temple.

PRAYER: Father,”let Your purpose of saturating the earth with Your glory be established. As I house Your Presence, let every evil entity around my life and household be roasted by fire, in Jesus’ Name.

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